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Bag Shopping App | Mobile And Webapp

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Project Overview

Bagit is a bag shopping app. Here you can buy a range of women bags. You can add it to your favorites, checkout the product specifications and get heavy discounts on branded bags. So just Bagit!!!

Project challenges
  • Eliminate barrier to entry on application startup
  • Design a cohesive interface for familiar and unfamilar users‍
  • Create a minimalistic UI while keeping products as the focus‍
  • Provide a seamless & linear purchasing experience
Meet The User
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User Flow

This is the user flow of the app. I have considered the only functional primary goal of purchasing a product. There can also be various user flows but this is assumed to be ideal.

P&P Wireframes

This is a tiny portion of Pen paper based basic wireframe sketches. This brings the rough ideas to design our actual prototypes. After studying requirements and user flow these sketches were designed

routebee IMAGE
Work Description